Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Ideas- Where do they come from

Idea's come from everywhere. Experiences, inspiration and life everywhere or it can be out of the blue. You could be sitting around twiddling your thumbs and you get an idea. Like what Michealangelo once said "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free". It shows that you keep thinking about the new idea until you bring it to life. Basically idea's don't come from a certain place, They come from everywhere because the possibilities are endless.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Favorite Story - What makes a good story

My favorite short story this term is "Lamb to the slaughter". I have drawn attention to this particular story because of its plot. The story starts out really tranquil and blissful, but as it's following up to the rising action you know something bad is going to happen. I also have changed my opinions of the characters in this story. My favorite character is Mary Maloney. I admire her character because of her deception yet I find the fact that she killed her husband really atrocious. I found this betrayal to be outside who I thought Mary Maloney was. The deeper understanding in the story for me was after I read it a few times and realized the theme of this short story is betrayal. The story shows the theme betrayal by portraying Mary Maloney as the perfect housewife until her husband decided to leave her then making her snap and do the ultimate betrayal of killing her husband.