Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence

Molly is a 14 year old "half-caste". She has an Aboriginal mother and a British father. Molly, her sister and her younger cousin are taken to a village and they have trouble fitting into the British culture and Molly really doesn't like for the white man Mr. Neville. When Molly finally has had enough she grabs her sister and her cousin and makes a run for it to a near by forest (her sister and cousin were reluctant at first but then went ahead with Molly). Molly is a good tracker and she uses this skill to help her and her sister and cousin to dodge the other tracker which is trying to find them by planning the escape in the rain and walking through the river. With that she has proved herself to be a hero even though she knows the consequences she still stands for what she believes in and helps her sister and cousin get back home.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My learning profile

I learn best when through movement and by focusing on the whole picture making a context and emotional relevance to my self.

I need to focus more in a linear pattern, follow step my step problems and access my logical part of my brain.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is sitting in the front row on the left hand side because I can access my left eye easily.

I would like my teachers to know this about me
I prefer not to follow step by step instructions. I tend to to imagine the end result and do what I think is appropriate. My biggest challenge is to access pieces of information and be able to put them in a linear logical manner.