Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why do civilizations have laws?

Some people woder why civilizations have laws. This is what I say. Without civilization we would all be dead because without laws you can do whatever you want and there are bad people in the world who wish there are no such things as laws. Everyone will get murdered everything will be a disaster.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Answering Mr Mcqueens questions

  • New Guinea has a disadvantage to the middle east because in the middle east they have better animals such as cows,sheep,goats and horses

  • NG(New Guinea) has the food that can be stored like taro.

  • NG has a tropical climate so it will rain more to make better crops

Connect Extend and Challenge

In humanities we watched a movie called guns,germs and steel. After the movie we wrote things we knew all along, New things we learned from the movie and any questions or lingering thoughts. At first I wasn't sure what I knew what the movie connected to my previous learning. After that I knew that animal droppings made good fertalizer. There were alot of new things that I learned. The first is wheat and barley is better then the taro root in New Guinea. Another thing I learned is that the people in New Guinea don't have much protein so they eat giant spiders to gain enough protein(ewww). My question is how did they learn how to farm did it come in a dream or just came to them just like that.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Advantages and disadvantages of New Guinea

I choose this headline because in New Guinea they don't have the environment to grow wheat and barley. The available food they can get is sago and taro. the problem is that sago takes a long time to turn into a kind of dough that they eat and its low on protein and taro rots quickly. Another disadvantage is that New Guinea does not have the animals that they can eat. The only protein they can eat are giant spiders. They don't have cows,sheep and goats like middle easterns do. The Natives of New Guinea have pigs. Which is good to eat but does not produce wool and fur. The advantages of New Guinea have productive crops and geographic luck.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The wall of thoughts

In humanities we learned about what makes KL a civilization. There a alot of changes nowadays. It was different in the past. Here are a few changes

  • We get our food from supermarkets, the trees in our backyard(that bear fruit)
  • Early man had to find the food(hunting,gathering etc).


  • People buy water now
  • Before we came early man got water for free(lucky them)


  • We don't take good care of our environment
  • They didn't have cars, factories etc


  • Modern resources steel,other metal, bricks etc
  • Fire, rocks, bones, plantes others


  • Apartments, houses and condos
  • Lean to huts, tree branches and caves


  • Computers, guns and factories
  • Rocks, spears, hand axes and fire


  • School, tutors, jobs, parents, etc
  • Elders, taught each other, experience etc


  • Languages, gestures, internet etc(whew)
  • Grunts, hand movements, cave paintings etc


  • Bikes, cars, boats etc
  • Feet


  • Stock markets,government etc
  • Trading, jobs


  • Court, jury and leader
  • Family, teamwork and no leader

Belif systems

  • Religions
  • Consequences


  • Games, tv, movies and others
  • Hunting, ceremonies and others


  • Different ways
  • Tribes

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What makes KL a civilization

In KL they have shelter(so we don't have to sleep in the outdoors, water(So we don't die of thirst), Food(So we don't die of hunger),transportation(So we don't have to walk everywhere) and technology( We can send email, call people with phones and cell phones etc), KL is also a civilization because KL is a city which works together to survive and thrive. Without those things we might never have KL!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Never leave your homework near your cat/dog/other pet

I know some teachers think students are crazy when they say "My dog/cat destroyed my homework". But some pets do that no lie. My cat did that about five times. I had to put my homework in my backpack when I'm going to to it later. After I did my homework my crazy cat chewed the newspaper(Lucky my parents wern't furious). Now the moral today is be carefull if you have a cat or dog who loves to chew/scratch they might leave your things destroyed.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blogging about blogging

Hi this is a blog about blogging. Its about apropriate blogging, Who is reading your blog and how much info you want to put in your blog. Aproprite blogging is not typing mean blogs about someone you know(Cyber bullying). Blogging is not just writing to one person. Blogging is showing everyone what you write. Its best if you keep the things you don't wanto to say to your self(Maybe email them what happend). You shouldent show your personal infomation when your blogging because we will be safe and if you give your address to other people they might kidnap you.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Yes I saw the slide show and it was very touching and shocking. I never knew people were that cruel. I am glad that SPCA's were invented. The freaky part of the slide show is youthinizing the abandoned pets. Ok now SPCA's in general. SPCA stands for Society Prevention to Animals. They take in abandoned animals. Some people can volunteer at the SPCA. If an animal stays to long they will be sleeping with the fish if you know what I mean. I think it will be fun to volunteer at a local SPCA.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What I don't like about call it courage

Ok I told you about call it courage. Now I'll tell you what I dislike about call it courage
  • There are eaters of men inside the book
  • I dislike teasing( It said so on chapter one)
  • If Mafatu didn't prove his worth I would reccomend he would stand up to the boys in hikeru

Thats about it

Friday, November 7, 2008

Call it courage

How I liked the book

It has adventure
The characters are remarkable
It has a good story line


Mafatu is a very strong boy he wants to prove his worth by escaping Hikeru
Kivi is the seagull Mafatu befriends. Kivi follows Mafatu on his adventure
Uri is Mafatu’s dog and also follows Mafatu on his adventure


Hikeru Mafatus home

Eaters of men island(EOM)

7 things about me

  1. I am a girl(Duh) O_O
  2. If you make me mad!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'LL DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I am mostly calm :-)
  4. I love blue, Cresant moons, Music, Pokemon, Club Med and my friends!
  5. My favorite foods soup, Pizza, Sushi, Cake(chocolate), Candy
  6. Favorite animals........ Too many to choose from
  7. You have to find out for yourself

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


7 things I hate about headaches
  1. You want to bang your head everytime (I do that)
  2. You feel dizzy (obviously)
  3. You need to rest always! (Ahem)
  4. You get angry
  5. You are moody
  6. You always want to be alone
  7. And the 7th thing I hate the most about headaches They drive you crazy!