Monday, November 10, 2008


Yes I saw the slide show and it was very touching and shocking. I never knew people were that cruel. I am glad that SPCA's were invented. The freaky part of the slide show is youthinizing the abandoned pets. Ok now SPCA's in general. SPCA stands for Society Prevention to Animals. They take in abandoned animals. Some people can volunteer at the SPCA. If an animal stays to long they will be sleeping with the fish if you know what I mean. I think it will be fun to volunteer at a local SPCA.

1 comment:

woodward said...

Appreciated reading some of your reflections on SPCA. You did a great job of the summary, but I would also be interested in some of your feelings, and thoughts. What are things that can be done? How can we as "socially responsible global citizens" find ways to help with this issue?

Mr. Woodward