Monday, December 1, 2008

Advantages and disadvantages of New Guinea

I choose this headline because in New Guinea they don't have the environment to grow wheat and barley. The available food they can get is sago and taro. the problem is that sago takes a long time to turn into a kind of dough that they eat and its low on protein and taro rots quickly. Another disadvantage is that New Guinea does not have the animals that they can eat. The only protein they can eat are giant spiders. They don't have cows,sheep and goats like middle easterns do. The Natives of New Guinea have pigs. Which is good to eat but does not produce wool and fur. The advantages of New Guinea have productive crops and geographic luck.


Jamie McQueen said...
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Jamie McQueen said...

Sarah you really have shown some thinking and understanding here. Well done. Here are a couple of questions that may help your thinking:

Would say, then, that New Guinea is at an advantage or disadvantage?

In what ways do they have an advantage? In what ways are they disadvantaged?

How does New Guinea have productive crops and geographic luck? Please tell me more about that.

Try and answer these questions in the next post.

Jamie McQueen said...

Sarah, I don't think you responded to my questions?

Would you mind doing so?


Mr. McQueen