Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pandora and Orphan Boy

The myths Pandora and Orphan boy are about curiosity and how they are portraying that curiosity can lead to punishment. The big idea on both of these myths is curiosity can lead to punishment because the trust between two characters was broken. In the African myth Orphan boy there was an old man who had a son. The son can do magical things like make the cattle well fed. However the boy doesn’t want the old man to know how he does all these magical things. Blinded by curiosity the old man followed the boy. Disappointed the boy left the old man. Curiosity also appeared in the Greek myth Pandora. Pandora is a young woman who was created by the god Zeus. The gods gave Pandora a box and told her never to open the box. Like the old man Pandora let curiosity win over her easily. Both the old man and Pandora fell pray to temptation and curiosity. They prove that sometimes curiosity can lead to punishment. The old man lost the one he loved and Pandora let out all the bad things into the world.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fishbowl discussion

Today in humanities to talk about the book we read called The Giver we did an activity called fishbowl. It is when five people gather in a circle and talk about the questions our teacher gives us. Today in the fishbowl we were talking about pills and dreams in the giver. To me the fishbowl went fine. There were a few flaws. The first one was that some people (including myself) don't really contribute to the discussion. There was one time we were almost off subject but lucky we remembered. When I went to the discussion I felt nervous. Ni helped me by reminding me about the topic was. I tried hard to explain my thoughts. Now I know what I should improve on I might do well in the next fishbowl.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Octomom vs China's one child policy

Today in humanities we wanted to find out which was better having a lot of children or only one. We wrote on sticky notes to show if we agree with the octomom or china's one child policy or if we are in the middle. I was in the middle because a parent should be smart enough to choose how many children they can live, care for and defend until they grow up and live a life of their own. They should know if they have money to care for at least one or two kids. If you don't think you can care for eight then don't. If you have enough money to care for two or more than ask people or look in the internet for advice. If you really want children and you don't want to contribute to over population you can adopt chilren and there will be fewer people and give the orphan a home. The government can encourage the parents to have a limit. About 4-2 will be enough. You don't need a forcefull government just an encouraging one.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

One child policy headline

Today in humanities we read something called China's one child policy. The one child policy is a rule in China when you can only have one child. After we read about the one child policy we had to create a headline on if we agree or disagree about the one child policy. My headline is "China's one child policy agree or disagree that is the question". I am kind of in the middle but closer to disagreeing because the parent's should really make their own decision if they want to have more than one child or not. The government shouldn't really force parent's to only have one child. They can have as many as they want to but there has to be a limit. The parents also have to have enough children so they can take care of themselves too. So basically I'm agreeing and disagreeing because I dislike the government enforcing unfair rules and I believe there has to be a limit of children you can have.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sonnet 7

Shakespear's sonnet 7

I guess it is about a royal figure acomplishing something. Then he rises from his throne. Then after doing the acomplishments he thinks about getting a son.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Changes in Mesopotamia

In humanities we watched a three minute movie showing mesopotamia, a map and a map with cities. We had to do an activity called see think and wonder. In the Mesopotanian map there were some of the civilizations that we reasearched on the wall of thoughts. The mesopotamian map is far different than our modern map. The mesopotamian map doesn't have cities or borders. In our modern map we have cities towns and borders. Things were different back then. I wondered how come the mesopotamian maps don't have borders don't they own there own land or something. I saw a number of things stars borders and other things. What I thought was were the stars on the map capital cities or something else. The see think wonder was challenging. It took me a while to complete it.