Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pandora and Orphan Boy

The myths Pandora and Orphan boy are about curiosity and how they are portraying that curiosity can lead to punishment. The big idea on both of these myths is curiosity can lead to punishment because the trust between two characters was broken. In the African myth Orphan boy there was an old man who had a son. The son can do magical things like make the cattle well fed. However the boy doesn’t want the old man to know how he does all these magical things. Blinded by curiosity the old man followed the boy. Disappointed the boy left the old man. Curiosity also appeared in the Greek myth Pandora. Pandora is a young woman who was created by the god Zeus. The gods gave Pandora a box and told her never to open the box. Like the old man Pandora let curiosity win over her easily. Both the old man and Pandora fell pray to temptation and curiosity. They prove that sometimes curiosity can lead to punishment. The old man lost the one he loved and Pandora let out all the bad things into the world.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Super work, Sarah! All of the main ideas are here. Written well. See me to upload the other posts.I love the image and quote - add who said the quote in the blog title please.