Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci could be classified as a renaissance man because he was a man of many talents. He thought outside the box he always thinking that nothing was impossible. Leonardo da Vinci never focused on one subject. He practiced and studied the the fields of math, science, art and engineering. He wanted to know more about the world around him and how it worked. He also saw and thought of ways to do things that others did not. When it came to painting he wanted to paint realistic pictures. Leonardo never gave up, he went through what people thought was impossible.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Brunelleschi's Dome

A characteristic that prompted Brunelleschi to build his masterpiece, the dome on top of the cathedral of Florence, was risk-taking and perseverance. The reason for my decision is because Brunelleschi's plan to complete the dome is deemed ridiculous to other people and it took a lot of courage for him to show everyone his ideas. His idea was laughed at by most people except for Cosimo de' Medici. To prove that the dome will work he showed his idea on a small scale by using a raw egg and tapping it on the ground until it supported itself without breaking open. People still thought he was mad but Brunelleschi knew that his idea would work. It worked and it's still a masterpiece today.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Ideas- Where do they come from

Idea's come from everywhere. Experiences, inspiration and life everywhere or it can be out of the blue. You could be sitting around twiddling your thumbs and you get an idea. Like what Michealangelo once said "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free". It shows that you keep thinking about the new idea until you bring it to life. Basically idea's don't come from a certain place, They come from everywhere because the possibilities are endless.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Favorite Story - What makes a good story

My favorite short story this term is "Lamb to the slaughter". I have drawn attention to this particular story because of its plot. The story starts out really tranquil and blissful, but as it's following up to the rising action you know something bad is going to happen. I also have changed my opinions of the characters in this story. My favorite character is Mary Maloney. I admire her character because of her deception yet I find the fact that she killed her husband really atrocious. I found this betrayal to be outside who I thought Mary Maloney was. The deeper understanding in the story for me was after I read it a few times and realized the theme of this short story is betrayal. The story shows the theme betrayal by portraying Mary Maloney as the perfect housewife until her husband decided to leave her then making her snap and do the ultimate betrayal of killing her husband.

Monday, May 31, 2010

I will stand for what I believe in

In this short life I’ve lived I have experienced many events that have opened my eyes and given me the taste of the real world. They are like long life lessons that will guide me through life itself. The one I believe in the most is words can hurt.

I believe that words can hurt. Whenever people say, "Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you" I find that untrue. Sticks and stones may break your bones but horrible words are like scars that will never fade. I try to take caution in what I say because it might injure another person. It’s a little like 1st grade when you just insult people and laugh it off as a joke but when in actual fact it hurts. I remember it like when it was in 1st grade because it was like that in 1st grade for me. I was friends with people that were not supposed to be my friends. Everyday it’s always “Hey Sarah you look like a weird doll with those eyes!” Then it would be “I was only kidding can’t you take a joke”. That part really annoyed me and I could say I was annoyed with myself because I laughed it off like they did. It was hard to speak out because insulting someone then joking was sadly trendy in 1st grade. I didn’t follow the trend so I was the odd one out I guess. In 1st grade there weren’t any feelings. A lot of people just pretended to not have feelings, which I find pretty sad. After being insulted for the 8th time I screamed, “I’ve had enough of this and I don’t think it’s funny so stop it! You probably will cry when you get home if I insulted you!” They just looked away with that different facial expression. Their faces look as if they were about to cry with pain. I walked away without saying another word. After this entire dilemma I realized that words can hurt even if you don’t mean them. Every word counts.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Matilda Bone

Matilda bone is a historical fiction by Karen Cushman. This story takes place in medieval times about a young girl named Matilda Bone who must live in a different enviroment and she becomes an apprentice to red peg the bonesetter. The themes of this book are religion, lack of medical knowlege and filth

Battle of Hastings 1066

The game 1066 is based on the battle of hastings. The story tells us how the war was started. This is a logical thinking and strategy to win the opposite team. You can win the game if the opponent's morale falls to zero or if the men are dead. You can create certain formations like the boars snout or a simple sheild wall. All though the game is really fun and you could play it for hours the game contains violence but not seveare like when you kill another soldier blood splatters all over the screen. This game tells me about the different attacks and formations in a real medieval war.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Third world farmer

Third world farmer is a simulation strategy game about farming in a harsh environment. Sine it’s a strategy game you have to make good decisions so it will make a change to the land. Sadly some of the choices you pick could impact the farm negatively. Short term planning is when you plan things that will affect the current situation but will make a big impact in the future. You can't really get anywhere using short term planning. Usually when you play the game you usually get bad outcomes. Some strategies do work like saving up and getting a voice. There are some options like doing things randomly and those options the game gives you like the army or the dumping waste. The game does link to the real world because sometimes farmers have to make decisions like we do in the game.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Steve McCury

Steve McCurry is famous for photography. His photos are almost always showing the face but mostly the eyes. His photos show human struggle through wars. Steve McCurry was born in 1950 in Philadelphia. Before he wanted to peruse his dream of photography he wanted to be a filmmaker.

This is a photo of a boy working in a sweet shop. What stands out for me is how he is not playing with other kids. Kids have the right to play and run around and I don’t understand why he doesn’t have the opportunity to be like other kids. I think McCurry is trying to emphasize the fact that there are many kids that don’t get to experience their childhood like you and I. They work very hard. The boy is frowning to show that he is not happy working in the sweet shop.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Power of the void

The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become (silence) a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

I feel that adding a silence after the word become creates the best tension. When you add a VOID after become the audience might think that we might say something intense and leave the audience in a state of tension. It is a good place to put the silence.