Monday, May 31, 2010

I will stand for what I believe in

In this short life I’ve lived I have experienced many events that have opened my eyes and given me the taste of the real world. They are like long life lessons that will guide me through life itself. The one I believe in the most is words can hurt.

I believe that words can hurt. Whenever people say, "Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you" I find that untrue. Sticks and stones may break your bones but horrible words are like scars that will never fade. I try to take caution in what I say because it might injure another person. It’s a little like 1st grade when you just insult people and laugh it off as a joke but when in actual fact it hurts. I remember it like when it was in 1st grade because it was like that in 1st grade for me. I was friends with people that were not supposed to be my friends. Everyday it’s always “Hey Sarah you look like a weird doll with those eyes!” Then it would be “I was only kidding can’t you take a joke”. That part really annoyed me and I could say I was annoyed with myself because I laughed it off like they did. It was hard to speak out because insulting someone then joking was sadly trendy in 1st grade. I didn’t follow the trend so I was the odd one out I guess. In 1st grade there weren’t any feelings. A lot of people just pretended to not have feelings, which I find pretty sad. After being insulted for the 8th time I screamed, “I’ve had enough of this and I don’t think it’s funny so stop it! You probably will cry when you get home if I insulted you!” They just looked away with that different facial expression. Their faces look as if they were about to cry with pain. I walked away without saying another word. After this entire dilemma I realized that words can hurt even if you don’t mean them. Every word counts.

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